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List of products by brand 4 Triplex Firework
Golden Show 100 shots
Titanium golden coconut tail to Titanium golden coconut with deep blue stars, Titanium golden coconut tail to Brocade Crown.
Big Whale 4, set of...
12 rockets: 3 big with effects: red, green, blue peony and white strobe, color crackling willow; 2 medium: golden strobe coconut, willow; 4 smaller: golden strobe blue and red pearl,1 brocade crown to red, 3 small; red, green and crackling
Big Whale 1, Set of 4pcs.
4 big rockets; 1 white strobe w/red wave pistil, 1 chrys to red, green and crackling, 1 orange dahlia and crackling rain, 1 golden strobe willow, 1 golden strobe willow.